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Twist in the tale: MOTA Cancels Kickstarter Campaign

Mota Kick starter campaign

“I wish there were a way to offer truly high quality, highly precise 3D printers at incredibly low prices. That would bring about the mass market adoption that this technology so needs. The reality is, like any technology, it is expensive to develop and manufacture. At MOTA, our vision is to always bring you the best of what technology offers at the absolute minimum price possible. We don’t want to promise something that cannot be delivered, or whose quality is anywhere below outstanding, and the fact of the matter is that delivering this high standard of quality would cost a premium.” These were the lines written by the co owner of the firm, Kevin Faro to the Kickstarter community.

With this message the dream of many who wishes to own 3D printers at cheap rates comes to a halt. So now the question is exactly why did MOTA turn off the deal after distributing 3D printers at rates which were shocking and making statements like, ‘3D printing is expensive- It doesn’t have to be!’The problem that many Kickstarters have faced is that in the process of offering the cheapest early bird prices for 3D printers and in the process of tempting people to support the campaign they have set the goal amount not as high as they should have. Since the goals are not realistic, it does not enable the companies to successfully manufacture the product and supply the finished good to the people who have signed up for the early bird offers.

It looks like MOTA stumbled upon the same stone and hence could not make up for the loss. MOTA is a well established brand so we can expect it to revive their Kickstarter campaign but this time with more realistic early bird offers and also a realistic goal.

Image Credits: Anathea Utley (flickr handle: Anathea)

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