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3D printed aortic model saves teenager’s life

How things have begun to take shape in the 3D printing world is wooing us everyday..! Recently we witnessed an interesting progress where a serious heart condition was cured with the help of 3D printing technology in a Michigan State hospital, USA. It seems that now doctors are choosing a reliable and convenient option where they would first 3D scan the area where the patient is having a problem, then they practiced a surgery on the 3D printed object before they performed the actual surgery on the patient. A 17-year-old girl, Ariana Smith, is reported to be the first patient in the Michigan State who got highly benefited by this 3D printing application.

After her son was found to have heart murmur, Jacqueline Foster, Adriana’s mother, decided to take all her four children to the hospital and get an electrocardiogram performed on each one of them. The doctors diagnosed certain heart abnormalities in Adriana too. So she was advised to undergo cardiac catheterization, a process where a plastic tube is passed through the blood vessels of the heart in order to better understand the conditions inside the heart, and provide with possible solutions at the same time.

After a thorough test, it was found out that Adriana was suffering from a very dangerous condition in her heart – an aortic aneurysm where a tortuous aorta had a distorted path and shape.

Dr. Daisuke Kobayashi, Adriana’s cardiologist explains, “Ariana’s condition was extensively discussed with our pediatric cardiovascular surgeons and cardiologists in order to provide the best treatment and outcome. Surgical therapy was a high-risk operation for her age and anatomy which could lead to possible complications with her aorta.”

Understanding the possible consequences the team of cardiologists inclding Daisuke Kobayashi, M.D., Richard Humes, M.D., Thomas Forbes, M.D. and Daniel Turner, M.D., turned to 3D printing technology for a possible. They got in touch with Materialise, a 3D printing company.

Materialise, a Plymouth, Michigan-based company, with the help of their own Mimics Innovation Suite software and HeartPrint service converted the CT scan of Adriana’s heart into a full-size 3D printed replica. With that replica the team of doctors had a ‘test-run’ of their process before they could conduct the actual surgery on Adriana’s heart.

“Using the 3D printed model of Ariana’s aorta, we performed a ‘practice-run’ or simulation in the cath lab, where we actually placed a stent into the model,” said Dr. Turner. “This allowed us to precisely plan the procedure and see how the stent responded in her unique and tortuous anatomy. Then, when we performed Ariana’s actual procedure, we had a good idea of how it was going to go.”

The surgery was so successful that Adriana was allowed to leave after one night, where normally patients would have to take at least a week to leave. And even better news is that the cheerleader and volleyball player, Adriana, joined back her school within a week.

We wish Adriana great health. We at think3D are anticipating such developments in the field of medicine sooner so that our doctors find effective and long-term solutions for the patients.

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taulman 3D’s Alloy 910 currently the strongest Filament material

There’s been a buzz in the Filament market recently. An item intended to meet the industry requirements has been manufactured following the parameters on strength and performance. taulman 3D, a 3D printing company has stepped in to creating what’s called the next big evolution in 3D printing. Alloy 910, the latest 3D printing filament by taulman 3D is claimed to be strongest filament in the market, which has the capability to be used in the industry levels.

Alloy 910

Cover plates for electronics and one-of-a-kind 3D printed parts.

The Alloy 910 has the following specs:

  • Tensile Strength = 8,100PSI +
  • Modulus PSI = 72,932
  • Max Elongation at break = 31%
  • Print Temperature = 245° C
  • Nozzle size = Any – There are no particulates or additives in Alloy 910
  • Tg = 90° C
  • Shrinkage = 0.0031 in/in
  • Transmission = 50%
  • Color = Subtle Amber – May be dyed with acid based dyes.
  • Printable at 245° C

3D printed "Drop Test Ready" Electronics Enclosures with taulman 3D alloy 910

One unique thing about the Alloy 910 is that it has been accomplished without any composites or filler or any added-in materials. Basically it is just pure plastic. It doesn’t need any specialty nozzle.

A printbed heated at 45° C, needs a coat of PVA material and for a cold bed you need BuildTak and some PVA.

Low friction of the material makes it eligible for creating articulation systems. Tom Martzall explains that it can be used in building industrial parts and robotic components – all due to its high strength.

This is surely an improvement in the 3D printing filament segment, and we would hope that gradually companies focus on inventing and manufacturing filament materials that will suit the genuine needs of every man, therefore making 3D printing industry a need, more than a want.

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Remote controlled 3D printed boats hits Japan

If electronics and boats are both your passion then you might be thrilled to know that in Japan there are communities which are devoted to build remote controlled boats and the concept is pretty much trending there. Experimenting 3D printing technology on remote controlled vehicles like cars and aeroplanes has set rolling, but communities in Japan recently have been trying their hands on remote controlled boat making. How cool is that !!?? New and chique at the same time.

Mayoneko, a passionate 3D printed boat building enthusiast from Japan, mentions in his blog that usually the popular tug boats and fire boats are created from the scratch, with the help of a photograph. After the model is created, the size of the boat is scaled up to fit other necessary and useful components for the boats. These components which will be needed in a boat, are often 3D printed themselves.

You would find enthusiasts who enjoy just building these remote controlled boats, and there are also niche group of people who are capable of investing more, choose to recreate the legal restrictions that are followed in real-time ships, on their own boats. And there’s another kind of makers who prefer testing their scaled models in rough conditions to test the integrity of the model. Interestingly the boat makers would create a barge where they would position their tablet or mobile camera.


Japanese engineer K. Marizou is a passionate 3D printed boat builder. His love for both electronics and boats have made build wide range of boats, where, two of them are very detailed and modelled after actual PILOTS Sea Helper sea vessels.


Marizou first gets the images of the boats which are available to him (maybe on cloud), then he would convert these normal image files into 3D printable files at a scale of 1/76 roughly. He would 3D printing the two boats, each 4.65 inches, and attach 3D print propeller blades and test them in different conditions.


3D printed propellers

Something more about the 3D printed boats by Marizou: Both boats had the same body; One was used as a Fire Patrol, consisting of a functioning water cannon that can spray water as far as 3 mts., a radar, a life raft and an antenna. Another, a more complicated, one would be 105 mm long, weigh 119 grams, with a 3.7v350mA battery, and 6-channel DSM 2 receiver.

The 3D printing industry is a promise to the next generation that how much innovative, challenging yet fun things are going to become.

Some children went to Mayenako and asked him “Why are you doing this?”, his simple response was, “just doing this because it’s fun”.

Isn’t that why we all do things that we do!? Success is always related what inspires us, motivates us and where we put in our hard work. We at think3D pray we all find out what inspires us the most and it be “3D printed” in our own lives.

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World’s first 3D printed air-conditioner by Haier

3D printing is permeating all walks of life. Various mega corporations are venturing into 3D printing space big time. Here is another such initiative by one of the big appliance manufacturers in world. Haier unveiled the first ever 3D printed air-conditioner at Annual Appliance & Electronics World Expo (AWE) held at Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). The objective of the event is  to summon all the companies, resellers, merchants, leading corporates, vendors and many more in the household consumable segment. This kind of event is conducted with the intention to discuss, share and bring forth any latest and possible futuristic information to the advancement of this particular industry.

So, this Qindao, Shandong based company managed to have a lot of footfall in its counter, and moments after it unveiled the air-conditioner (AC) patrons and enthusiasts were all eyes and ears about the features and functions of the AC. The crowd was visibly overwhelmed.

3d printed AC

The different parts of the AC were 3D printed, along with the exterior which was made up of blue and white 3D filaments.

One interesting fact about the making of the AC is that its colors, style, structure, and even the performance can be adjusted by its consumer according to his or her own convenience – a fascinating attribute of 3D printing. The consumer has the freedom to customize the AC with accordance to his or her home decor and personal taste.

Though this model is completely configurable, Haier is currently offering this very model. The first model on the display at the event was purchased by a tech-savvy at 40,000 Chinese Yuan ($6395).  Also, little bit more about the functional property about the machine is that it runs with the high-quality “Haier Smart Ecosystem”.

First car, then 3D printed prosthetics and now AC. 3D printing is spreading, rather, has already spread like wild fire. but surely we, at think3D,  are anticipating something bigger and better. We believe 3D printing will not only promote mankind, but currently it is giving an edge to the enthusiastic artists, believers and creators. It’s a New Age for the Technocrats.

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Tony stark donates 3D printed arm to a 7-year-old

Not everyday does it happen in the life of a 7 year-old Alex, a charming kid from Atlanta, that he gets to meet the Multi-billionaired Tony Stark of Stark Industries. But last Saturday he received the best surprise of his life.

Alex loves superheroes, likes biking and is into sports but he has one problem. He is born with a partially developed right arm. Even though heʻs okay about it, Albert Manero, an e-NABLE volunteer collaborated with his parents to gift this bright kid a 3D printed myoelectric prosthetic limb. They called-in the Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. This sure would have exhilarated the little one.

tony meets alex

Albert Manero, an engineering student of University of Central Florida, started the “Limbitless Solutions”, a non-profit organization. Manero and his team were caught by the noble thought of helping children with limb problems. The team also believes that the children shouldnʻt have to pay a penny for the prosthetic limbs.This organization is run on donations, plus chipping in some amount by Manero and the team.

Limbitless Solutions collaborated with Microsoft to develop open-source 3D printed bionic arms. The Bionic arms consists of sensors and tiny embedded motors that reads the neurological senses of the muscles and respond to them.

The prosthetic limbs are manufactured using the 3D printing technology. So eventually the price of the prosthetic arms become much lesser compared to regular ones which costs around thousands of dollars. This way the families whose child needs to change their prosthetic limbs as they keep growing, can afford to buy 3D printed limb.

Downey remarked, “Albert made it so affordable, I’m probably going to start farming out a lot of my tech work to Albert too.”

The Video is campaigned in the social media by The Collective Project, powered by Microsoftʻs OneNote. This was also shared in Downeyʻs fan Page, later this Thursday.


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3D printed Apple Watch bands by 3D Systems

We know that Apple is one of the most trusted brands in the world, they are known for holding the image of being true-to-its-words for quality and deliver-ability. Recently they were back in the news as they launched the much anticipated Apple Watch.

3D Systems, a California-based company, is equally known for being the first movers and ambitious in terms of quality and creativity. Now, 3D Systems, along with FreshFiber will be coming up with a range of eyes-gazing designs for Apple iWatch bands.

3D System, forerunner in the 3D printing industry, acquired Amsterdam-based FreshFiber, on May 7th, 2012. FreshFiber at that time was the leading company in 3D printed consumer goods brand segment.

This year Apple officially launched its much anticipated iWatch on 9th March 2015. It is believed that iWatch contains features similar to iPhone 6, for eg., making phone calls, latest happenings on social networks, check traveling schedules, etc. Also, it is expected to give  18 hours of battery life, alongwith features and apps designed specifically for iWatch. In fact some models are available for customization.

As much as there will be proud and joyful feeling owning an iWatch, now thanks to 3D Systems and FreshFiber your iWatch can now sport attractive designs. Maybe, when 3D Systems decale, you can get your band designs customized. As of now 3D Systems stated that the designs are in Concept stage.

Some prototype designs by the comapany are given below.

Price of these watches is estimated to range from $349 to over $10,000, depending on the models.


Alyssa Hoyt, Director of Marketing, 3D Systems tells “We’re planning to do some interchangeable bands much like what we’ve done with the Nooka watches. There’s no direct tie with Apple — this is just something we’ve been concepting for the watch and may extend to other smart watches.”

They will use Everlast material (nylon) using Selective Laser Sintering machines of 3D Systems. These products will be available at Cubify. The pricing of the bands are yet to be finalized, but might be within the range of $40 to $99.

So even Apple will be adopting this technology to give an edge to its innovation. Cubify will putting up the bands for your pre-ordering, from April 10. Shipments will start on 24th of April, 2015.

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Save time and effort on your 3D printing

Ever experienced your 3D printed model not shaping as per what you expected ??? Keeping track of the parameters, hoping in your heart that you would get a perfectly shaped statue of your your role model which you may have taken hours to design. And yet the design was just not right !!!! We understand the feeling, and so we have some good news for you.

There’s a start-up which have been listening to your concerns, taking note of the often-faced problems and doing an extensive research so that the next you press the “Print” button, you may actually get a desired model….. Just as you designed, and you do not have to think “I’m not sure if I’ve put the fill right”.. We understand the feeling, ….. and so does 3D Matter, the eyes & brains behind this.

Arthur Sebert, Founder of 3D Matter, who’ve been behind this research for months, explains, that 3D Matter intends to focus on having more information on how the different parameters needs to be considered, including what type of  filaments you should use to get the desired texture. It may come as one-stop for material functioning, along with information.

They have made series of charts which contain clear information on all the parameters to be considered for a successful printing. They have underwent months of trial and error method themselves to come to the following solutions.
Different fills

Different infills, all providing different results.

Arthur and company  wanted to have a comprehensive understanding about the influence of infill %, layer height and infill pattern on the 3D print. To get to this, they figured in 3D printing they would be targeting two types of users, a) the average user group, giving them a clear idea on what they are getting against strength, quality, cost and speed, b) users who go little deeper, like understanding how the 3D printer is actually functioning and giving them detailed analysis of the different parameters to be considered. Also what parameter will have what kind of influence on the performance.

Arthur has explained what the different values actually denote. Meanwhile we will quote you what he said about understanding certain aspects, including how to measure cost. He said, “Strength corresponds to the maximum stress the specimen can take before breaking. Speed describes the printing time of a specimen. Cost is derived from the actual weight of the specimen, and assumes 30€/kg. Quality relates to the general aspect of printed parts based on their layer height. Quality is not the focus of this study but the relationship between quality and layer height is generally accepted.”

Now you know if you want only Strength then 100%. if you want Quality then reduce infill to 10%, if you want both then infill 90%. Useful isn’t it ?!

Below you’ll find a table with more detailed info on what are the probable results of the different percent of infill and Layer you choose.

They have also studied on the different patterns – Linear, Diagonal, Hexagonal, Moroccan stars and Catfill.


Linear: Most durable

Diagonal & Hexagonal = Sort of durable

Moroccan stars & Catfill: Worst

“We show that generally, the best patterns to use are Linear or Diagonal (=Linear tilted 45°)”. They explain, thus continuing, “Indeed, decorative patterns such as Moroccan stars and Catfill show poor performance and should only be used if they are exposed and are part of the design,”

These parameters should be able to help any 3D printer to learn better, whether he’s a novice or experienced to minimizing the cost, time and energy. And can sooner it can be a manual for starters, unless you are among those who find more joy in discovering them, which is great too.

Have you started to think3D yet !?

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3D printing speeds up 4X with Fastbot’s BBP

3D printing technology has set its foot across various industries like the vast manufacturing industry, food industry, health and even tourism industry. Yes, we all are loving what this technology is creating. However we see that there’s one area where we wish it improves – the speed. Well, as if some intention manifests quite faster. A team of young and experienced tech-savvy 3D printing enthusiasts came up with a solution. the Fastbot team, creator of BBP controller board. This is designed to maximize the speed a 3D printer by 4X.

Fastbot’s BBP printer controller board is powered by an AM335x microprocessor. It has 1 GHz Cortex-A8 as its processors. The microprocessor consists of  5 or 6 stepper motor drivers, 6 endstops, 3 heaters, 6 fans, 1 microSD Card socket, 1 Ethernet socket and 1 USB socket for USB WiFi or camera connectivity.

BBP Fastbot

The 3D-Bit ARM and Programmable Realtime Units within the chip is helping the 3D printer to speed in that much times.

The FastBot team informs that they have created 3D printer firmwares (software data or programme written on ROM) so that one can fully use the BBP. With this, he adds, one can generate high frequency control signal. This is the main reason why the 3D printer is able to speed up.

One additional feature – you can connect to your USD WiFi dongle and print your object from wherever you want.

Along with the BBP the team has come up with an Android App to make it easier for the mobile users. This App integrates the 3D viewer and the slicer – to make any create or change any model and directly print through their mobile device.

To help make the 3D printing experience reachable to mobile users, the Fastbot team has also create an Android app that integrates the 3D viewer and the slicer – which essentially allows a user to create a model on a platform, also make changes if necessary. Then he can go for 3D printing directly through their mobile device, transferring the file via WiFi.

The board can also be used in other desktop fabrication machines including laser cutters and CNC mills.

But Fastbot teams’s contribution did not just stop to the BBP. They came up with an advance BBP 1S, which is capable of handling multiple extruders which will come in handy if a user is thinking to print an object using multiple colours.

With a “kickstart” innovation like this one, the Fastbot team have managed to reach their fund goal of $10,000 in one day, even though they still have a month with them for their Kickstarter campaign to be over.

The BBP is available at $79 and the BBP 1S is available at $99 for early buyers at their kickstarter page.

In the previous article we shared how a Bowden extruder creates a scope where the printing speed can increase, but now that the BBP has entered the 3D printing market seemingly as a breakthrough. No longer an issue that the printing speed is supposed to bother any user. They will be able to print their desired objects in lesser time than before. Technology and human brain have surely challenged time, coming with innovations at the speed of light.

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Traditional Extruder v/s Bowden Extruders

3D printing is an advancing technology, day-by-day. If this concept fascinates you and are passionate about it then you might find it important to learn about some of the basics.
Do you know that a 3D printer features either a Traditional Extruder or a Bowden Extruder. (Image of both present below).

                   FlashForge Dreamer Direct Extruder

          Traditional Extruder in a FlashForge Dreamer 3D printer

 In a Traditional Extruder, the extruder motor and the nozzles are both attached (See image above). This kind of extruders are more commonly used. As the name suggests, it is the first type of extruders for3D printers.

              Mankati Bowden Extruder

     Bowden Extruder in a Mankati Fullscale XT

But as 3D printing technology is developing, 3D printing technologists have come up with another type of extruder – the Bowden Extruder.In this type, the Extruder motor and the nozzle end are not attached (Refer image above). The Extruder motor is called the Cold end, while the nozzle end is called the Hot End. The extruder motor, like in case of a Mankati Fullscale XT 3D printer, is placed at the back of the 3D printer It is detached from the nozzle point. The nozzle point moves with the movement of the rods (in X-Axis and Y-axis). The rods move in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction, while the nozzle-end starts printing on build plate.

Mankati Nozzle end

Nozzle-end or hot-end of the Mankati Fullscale XT held by two rods which help it to move in X & Y axis 

Mankati Extruder motor (back)

Extruder motor attached at the back side of the printer, separated from the Nozzle point (unlike the Traditional extruder)

 A graphical diagram of the Bowden would be the following:

 Bowden graphical image

Because there’s no weight of the Extruder motor above the hot-end, the latter moves faster, as compared to the Traditional Extruder.

Bowden:The Bowden Extruder found its term from the popular Bowden cable. These Bowden cables are found in bicycle wire-cable, Clutch cables, Handbrake cable, Mechanical throttle cables, etc. These cables are specialized to transfer mechanical energy from one point to another.

The Traditional extruders have been the maiden extruders in a 3D printing machine but as time goes we are able to observe innovations like the Bowden Extruders, which aims to make the work faster and less pressure on the nozzle point. Anticipating more developments in the fields of 3D printing, like probably a long-term permanent coating on the build plate for e.g..